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Francina armengol
Honorary Presidency

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Iolanda Stone
Executive Presidency

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Agustí Turull
General Secretary

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Anna Landero
Vice president

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Jaime vaquer
Board of Directors
Bajo el Mar

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Bajo el Mar
Rafael Mas
Board of Directors

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Bajo el Mar
Miguel Capó
Board of Directors

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Bajo el Mar
Antoni garau
Board of Directors
Bajo el Mar
Joaquin Chinchilla
Deputy Executive Presidency

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Bajo el Mar
Jose Luis Garcia
Board of Directors

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Sunday Bonnin
Board of Directors

Domingo Bonnin was born in Palma. He has been a senior patron of the Fishermen's Association of Palma. Currently he combines his professional fishing work with the Presidency of the Balearic Federation of Fishermen's Guilds.

Bajo el Mar
Francesc Mellado
Board of Directors

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Oscar Siches
Board of Directors

Former sailor and captain of Superyachts, he was managing partner of two marinas in the Port of Palma for 17 years.

Today he is the world coordinator of marinas for ISO, member of PIANC and ICOMIA, of GMBA and Certified Professional in Marinas he is dedicated to international consulting.

Bajo el Mar
Ramon Felip
Board of Directors

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