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Today is the 10 year anniversary of the European Maritime Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund! As the GREEN MARINE MED project, we are very proud to contribute to a more hashtag#Sustainable hashtag#BlueEconomy in hashtag#Europe, thanks to EU hashtag#EMFAF funding.

The GREEN MARINE MED project, led by Centro Tecnológico Naval y del Mar - CTN and the World Ocean Council, brings together, engages and mobilises the comprehensive Mediterranean Green Shipping Network, representing the full value chain incl. actors from the vessel community, ports and marinas, fuel and energy, as well as finance, investment, innovation and other stakeholders.

Thanks to its specific focus on innovation, capacity building and sustainable finance, GREEN MARINE MED will have a strong basis for scalability post-project across the Mediterranean region and beyond, enhancing north-south sharing of best practices. The Mediterranean Green Shipping Network will be sustained after the project through the commitment of the WOC to host the Centre of Excellence on Mediterranean Green Shipping.

Happy hashtag#10yearsEMFaF!


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